Updated: Tue 18th Apr 23
The AGM for Malling Town Club will take place on Sunday 30th April 2023 commencing 10.00am (no admittance to AGM after 10.00am). Accounts and other details are on the notice board on the cellar door (please do not remove the accounts from the premises). It would be helpful if any questions for the Secretary and Treasurer could be put in writing on or before 5pm on Wednesday 26th April - they will of course answer questions on the morning. Any motions should also be in by 5pm on Wednesday 26th April (any received after this date/time will not be used). The club will be closed for the duration of the AGM (anticipated opening time is 1pm). The bar will also be closed throughout the meeting. Fruit juice and mineral water will be available (self service).
The meeting is strictly members only. No other parties may attend
There are five vacancies for the management committee this year. 1 x one year term, 2 x two year terms and two by three year terms. There are some duties associated with becoming a committee member such as machine money count (at least one Monday per month), door duties, interviewing prospective new members and other out of hours duties associated with the running of the club – to be nominated you should also have been a member of the club for a full five years. If you are unable to carry out the relevant duties we respectfully ask that you decline nomination. You will also be asked to give those members present on the day - a small speech about yourself and your commitment to the club
Nomination sheet will be removed from the board at 12noon Thursday 27th April 2023
Should anyone require any further information please email
Drink tokens will be issued at the end of the meeting and will be valid for 30th April only
Please be advised there is no voting by proxy – anyone wishing to vote must be present when the voting forms are collected. Each person must collect their own voting form
We respectfully ask that you do not question the staff regarding the accounts as they are unable to assist.
Many thanks